30min (no-equipment) Home Workout

Here is a simple and effective quick 30-minute home workout. This workout does not require any special exercise equipment.

When in a calorie deficit, you can also call it a FAT LOSS WORKOUT.

Your workout doesn't have to be full of fancy complicated exercises for it to be effective. Basic movements are usually very effective.

Perform the exercises under control, the goal is to train your muscles and get stronger in the exercises; this is not cardio.

AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible, meaning do as many repetitions as you can.
You should try to make the exercises challenging enough or easy enough for yourself so that we stay in the range of about 5-30 repetitions. This repetition range is probably the best for muscle growth.

Rest as much as you need between sets and exercises.

If you keep the exercises challenging enough then progression probably occurs automatically with proper recovery.

You'll likely get stronger over time, and then you'll just need to work harder to train the muscles again.

Step Up - 3 x AMRAP

Grab a chair or some other box to step on and hold on to a something for stability.

This exercise is called a Step Up but we should think of it more as a slow step down.

If a Step Up is too hard for you then start off with Lunges.

Single-Leg Hip Thrust - 2 x AMRAP

Squeeze your glutes to bring your hips up, pause at the top for 1-2 seconds and then go back down under control.

You can also do this with both feet on the floor as a regression.

Push Ups - 3 x AMRAP

The higher your hands are the easier it is to perform Push Ups.

Use full range of motion.

Bicycle Crunch - 2 x AMRAP

Bring your knee to your opposite elbow and then switch. Repeat as many times as you can.

Plank Knee to Elbow - 2 x AMRAP

Start from a plank position. Bring your knees under your stomach and slowly take them back.

Bird Dog - 2 x AMRAP

Raise your opposite hand with your opposite leg, hold for a second and then switch.

Thats it! Now go recover. You can repeat this workout a few times a week, you shuuld give your muscles 1-3 days of recovery between sessions.


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